Russian MFA welcomes the establishment of a presidential council in Yemen

07 April 2022

Russia welcomed the establishment of the presidential leadership council in Yemen, which President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi gave his authority to, the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday. 

"Moscow welcomes the establishment  of a new collegiate body of power in Yemen, which includes representatives of various sociopolitical forces of the country. This important event for the Yemeni people was the result of political and diplomatic efforts by Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council aimed at resolving the military and political crisis in the Republic of Yemen," the diplomatic office said. 

The Russian MFA expressed the conviction that the stabilization of the situation in Yemen and the return of the country to a peaceful life "can only be achieved through a constructive dialogue with the Ansar Allah movement, which controls the northern part of Yemen. 

" We urge all sides in the Yemeni conflict to sit down at the negotiating table to establish under the aegis of the UN a sustainable process of comprehensive settlement based on the legitimate interests of the leading political forces, confessional and regional groups of the country," the Russian foreign ministry added.

Last night, Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi announced the establishment of the presidential leadership council and all the powers for the government of the state for a transition period, following the inter-Yemeni negotiations, which began March 30 in Riyadh under the auspices of the UN and on the initiative of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The new body, consisting of a chairman and seven deputies, will assume the duties of president, vice president and manage the country's politics, military affairs and security.



GSV "Russia - Islamic world"

Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry

Based on materials from TASS