Russian Mission Accuses US of Abusing Veto Power in UN Security Council to Shield Israel

18 September

The United States has been accused of abusing its veto power in the UN Security Council to protect Israel from accountability for its actions in Gaza, Dmitriy Polyanskiy, Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said in response to US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s statement that the US is not prepared to give up its veto power.


“It seems our American colleagues still view the world through a condescending lens, dividing countries into two categories. In the first category are the self-proclaimed rulers of the universe, who feel entitled to do whatever they please to advance US interests. The second category includes all other nations. This echoes Borrell’s ‘garden vs. jungle’ paradigm,” Polyanskiy remarked. “Since October 7, the US has used its veto five times to shield Israel from any responsibility for its actions in Gaza.”


Polyanskiy pointed out that the US once even blocked the Security Council from condemning Hamas, a fact they prefer not to mention. “Our American colleague, as she openly stated, sees no need to justify the paralysis of the Council’s work on the Middle East, caused by the US. This makes the US directly complicit in Israel’s crimes in Gaza, responsible for nearly 42,000 civilian deaths. Such behavior is unbecoming of a permanent member of the Security Council,” the diplomat asserted.


Polyanskiy emphasized that the veto is not merely a privilege but a tool to prevent unilateral decisions. “The US is clearly abusing this tool in the case of Gaza. Moreover, the US and its allies hold a majority in the Council and can easily use ‘hidden vetoes’ by pressuring votes and blocking decisions without resorting to an actual veto. This is why we need Security Council reform, to strip the collective West of its numerical dominance and its ability to manipulate the Council,” he added.


On Veto Power


In the past, several UN member states have advocated for the abolition of veto power in the UN Security Council.


Russia has consistently defended the veto, arguing that it is a cornerstone of the UN's global structure. The Russian mission to the UN has reiterated that using the veto is a last resort, only when all other avenues for decision-making have been exhausted.


The UN Security Council consists of 15 countries, with five permanent members (Russia, the United Kingdom, China, the US, and France) and 10 non-permanent members elected for two-year terms. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has previously stated that most UN members recognize the need for reform of the Security Council. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has suggested that the Council be expanded, not by adding more Western nations, but by including states from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.



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Photo: AP/TASS

Based on TASS materials