Syria to Participate in Arab Ministers Meeting Ahead of Arab League Summit in Manama

13 May

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad has arrived in Manama to participate in a meeting of the Arab League Council of Ministers ahead of the 33rd regional summit, scheduled to open on May 16 in the capital of Bahrain. This was reported by the Syrian newspaper Al Watan.


According to its information, the Arab League Council at the level of Foreign Ministers will meet on Tuesday to discuss the main resolutions to be approved by the leaders of the Arab world.


Mekdad participated in the ministerial preparatory meeting held a year ago in Jeddah ahead of the 32nd Arab League summit, after the decision was made to restore Syria to its place in the Arab community. Damascus' membership in the League was suspended in November 2011 amidst an internal crisis that evolved into an armed conflict.


According to Mekdad, Syria will "continue to work jointly with Arab brothers who respect its role on the regional and international stage." He welcomed "the efforts made by the Kingdom of Bahrain to ensure the success of the Manama summit."


On April 28, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, during a meeting in Damascus with Bahrain's Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, called for "strengthening Arab solidarity against the backdrop of ongoing events," which, in his opinion, is necessary to achieve stability in the Middle East.


The Syrian leader believes that "the decisions of the upcoming Manama summit should serve common interests and unite efforts to counter the challenges facing Arab states."


Plan to aid Gaza


On May 12, during a meeting in Cairo of the Social and Economic Council of the Arab League, a plan to provide emergency assistance to Palestinians in the reconstruction of the economic infrastructure of the Gaza Strip, destroyed as a result of Israeli aggression, was discussed. Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit announced that this plan would be approved by the heads of Arab states at the summit in Manama.


Syrian Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Muhammad Samir Khalil told Al Watan that participants in the Cairo meeting also discussed ways to further develop Arab integration, establish a regional free trade zone, and ensure food security.



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Photo: Linus Schütz\Pixabay

Based on materials from TASS