The Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation has announced a meeting of security on the BRICS

16 May 2019

In the second half of 2019, a meeting of High Representatives of the BRICS countries on security issues will be held. The Head of the BRICS Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry Mikhail Kalugin claimed in an interview for RIA Novosti on the sidelines of the conference Doing Business with BRICS, which holding in Washington.



“We have the main mechanism of security cooperation within the framework of the BRICS - these are meetings of High Representatives of the countries. These are usually Presidential Aides for National Security. For our part, this is the secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolay Patrushev. They are held once a year. They are usually preceded by a meeting of specialized working groups on antiterrorism, in the sphere of international information security, anti-corruption, a dialogue is being held to combat organized crime, all these results are reported at a meeting of High Security Representatives”, the agency quotes the diplomat.



It is known that BRICS unites five countries: Russia, Brazil, India, China, and the Republic of South Africa.



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Photo by Михаил Джапаридзе/ТАСС