Uneven economic growth of Eastern countries to be discussed in Moscow

13 December 2019

On February 17, 2020, the Institute of Oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences will host the conference "Eastern Countries in the XXI century: uneven economic growth and inequality of socio-economic development", dedicated to the memory of the economist-orientalist Viktor Rastiannikov.

The conference will include three sections: "Economic growth in the East at the beginning of the XXI century: theory and practice", "Uneven economic growth in Asia and North Africa" and "Inequality of socio-economic development in Asia and North Africa".

Participants will discuss such issues as the theory and practice of transition to the innovative model of development in Asia and North Africa, the effectiveness of economic growth in the East, the spatial inequality of economic growth, the factors that cause inequality of socio-economic development, income differentiation in the East and the problem of social justice, etc.


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Photo: serbuxarev / Pixabay