Perspective tendencies for Partnership of Civilizations

21 December 2009

The Report of the Coordinator of Group of strategic vision “Russia – Islamic World”, the ambassador V. V. Popov at the Group meeting in Kuwait, 21-23 December 2009.


The day of September 11, 2001 will be remembered as a terrible fateful event for a long time. It was a big tragedy and apparently one of the most powerful terrorist acts which were planned and committed by people. But even more shocking was the sense of vulnerability of mankind: even such a powerful, the most advanced technologically, militarily country was unable to predict, estimate and prevent the fall of the twin towers. The whole world was watching this on the screens, unable to believe that it is a reality, and that hundreds of people were killed by collapsed blocks. This event, which was seen as a dividing line, a signal for a new era, although in fact the terror as a phenomenon in the broad general understanding aims to achieve its goals by force, as old as the world, and in spite of the old time trail, does not repeat itself in one and the same form in the History.


However, after 2001 a very dangerous tendency has appeared – to associate terrorist acts with certain religion – Islam. The reason for this was the fact that the accused people for this crime were Muslims. In addition to this, the fact that the perpetrators and organizers of many of the world’s acts of terrorism were immigrants of the Islamic countries or it was presented to the world public opinion by the almighty media like this. More often they are fanatics and suicide bombers whose behavior is difficult, if not impossible, to predict and prevent. There are even terms “Islamic terrorism,” “Islamic terrorists”, a stereotype that is persistently being imposed by television and the World Wide Web. And this is despite the fact that the majority of victims of acts of terrorism are Muslims, primarily civilians.


During the eight years since the events of 11 September measures have been taken in all countries in different scales depending on the capabilities – to prevent terrorist attacks. Nevertheless, the number of them has not decreased substantially and is preserved at the level of 11-12 thousand per year. What drives people to such criminal recklessness and makes them use measures which (and reasonable people realize that) are marginal.


It is known that any desire to impose on others their will is a kind of violence, even if it is motivated by the best intentions and there will be a reaction, counter-violence. The desire of doing well and showing others the right and sensible path for their own and common good often turns out to be counterproductive and turns into a tragedy. This eternal truth emerges with particular cruelty in our era, when the gap between the so-called “golden billion” and the developing world has terribly increased, and as a result the polarization has led to the marginalization and, as a consequence, to the radicalization of the masses, especially many young people with their explosion of passion and ambitions.


Modern society is shocked by corrosion of ethical and moral standards and suffers badly because of deficit of justice. Despair and powerlessness to oppose injustice pushes hopeless people to use extreme measures, so as to express their protest, to awaken world public opinion, to draw his attention to the misery and suffering of large numbers of people.


It became clear that it is impossible and immoral to solve political and social problems by force. The current situation in Iraq clearly confirms that. Who will dare to give an analysis of how the events will develop in Afghanistan? Predictions are very pessimistic so far. Israel was trying to crush not even states but organizations twice, Hezbollah in 2006 and at the turn of 2008-2009 Hamas, and these operations, despite the obvious military superiority of Israel, showed a complete failure and futility of military actions.
There is a rapid process of changes in balance of forces in today’s global community, the beginning of which can be associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union. This process has accelerated considerably, particularly in connection with the economic crisis in recent years. This is typical, primarily for large countries, and not only for countries, but for civilizations. Scientists believe that it is possible to say that Western civilization has passed the peak of its influence and other civilizations are getting forward – Islamic, Chinese, Latin American and Indian. Strengthening the role of these civilizations, despite the fact that they are objectively weaker than the West in economic, military and technological spheres manifested most clearly in the rapid demographic growth (according to the president of the American Carnegie Endowment, if current tendencies will be the same, by 2023, the number of Muslims in the world will exceed the number of Christians). According to many political analysts, in the coming years the axis of world events will take place in the Islamic world. It is possible to admit that now, not only in academic circles, but also among politicians no disagreement about the fact that Islam as a confession is becoming more common among people from different continents, and Islamic world – Umma – is becoming more influential force, sometimes decisive, in world affairs.


Islam as a religion attracts with its orientation towards social justice, tolerance and acceptance of other religions (it is, for example, the theory and practice of helping the needy and the poor, taking care of orphaned children, the call for self-improvement to yourself and others). Islam is the state religion in most Arabic and other countries. There are Muslim communities practically in all countries of the world. Only one religion – Islam has created an intergovernmental organization which unites 57 states. A sort of “United Nations” of Islamic world has formed around it.


Because of the increased influence of Islam, continuation of the expansion of its influence, this religion was in the focus of attention, and at the forefront of world events. More specifically, it focuses on the Arab-Israeli conflict, the prospect of a just resolution of which today, unfortunately, seems very distant. A matter of a serious concern is the future of Iraq (from where the United States should withdraw its troops for two or three years), permanent and severity of the situation in the Afghan-Pakistani area and disturbing uncertainty of Iran’s problem, not to mention about other hot spots such as Somalia, Sudan, etc. Perhaps the most important what have achieved those who are closely involved in the problems of terrorism – is an understanding of the obvious truth that it is impossible to fight them only by punitive methods, it requires a wide range of different, first of all, political and other means, and first of all it requires a conscious understanding of the causes of this phenomenon in the modern era.


At the end of the XX century Iran in response to the concept of Samuel Huntington has taken the initiative of a dialogue between civilizations. It has found a broad support among UN members and 2001 was declared the year of “dialogue of civilizations”. In this regard, it is important to remind that on September 8, 2001 a high-level report of the Group was published. This concept has been widely discussed in the report. However, the US administration of those days put forward the strategy of “War against Terror” because of the events of 11 September, and this initiative didn’t receive a proper resonance. In 2005 the Spanish government, after the terrorist attack on Madrid’s railway station in 2004, has proposed the creation of “Alliance of Civilizations”. Finally, this idea has been formalized as a Spanish-Turkish project and fully supported by the UN. It should be noted, that the USA is actually in opposition to these initiatives which are intended first of all to establish relations of cooperation between the Islamic and Western civilizations.


As a result, such initiatives are being left behind; they substantially do not receive a global resonance. Meanwhile, it is becoming increasingly evident that without dialogue and real cooperation between civilizations, cultures and religions, we cannot save the world in the XXI century: hatred is able to generate only the hatred, the blood leads to new blood. A real dialogue can grow only on the basis of mutual respect, a willingness to listen and to heed to a different opinion, tolerance and goodwill. Al-Wasatiyyah doctrine calls to this, in particular. The new conditions in the world make it necessary to use new techniques, to create new structures and institutions to replace those that have been used in the past and have outlived their usefulness. Apparently, it will be difficult to move towards that objective without changing the current system of international relations and, in particular, the United Nations reorganization. The majority will come to understanding this truth, but while this idea will open the way by practice, the world may face a very serious and grave crises in the foreseeable future. For example, in Western Europe where 20 million Muslim populations more actively defend their rights, there is an increase in tension in interconfessional relations, and as a consequence – an increase of the influence of right-wing anti-immigrant and other extreme-wing organizations. The recent referendum in Switzerland is a bright proof for that.


Our country due to its geographical location, the length and size of the territory, the natural dynamism as a result of continuous crossing and movement on its huge spaces by migratory groups of people, has a large impact on the development of the world historical process. The additional opportunities for more active participation of Russia in international affairs are being opened now, because our country can play the role of a bridge between civilizations and, above all, between Islam and Christianity. This applies to different continents particularly – Asia. For example, in India, with a population of over 1 billion there are about 200 million Muslims, in China, according to official data, the number of Muslims is 30 million people, but many people say that real number is 100 million.


Some clashes had occurred between Muslims and Christians in Russia throughout the history, but there was no “big blood”, which would have remained in the memory of peoples. Moreover, the Russian state has traditionally pursued the goal of interaction and uniting people of different nationalities and faiths in our vast country.


Russia is the only state which is a permanent member of the Security Council and it is an observer in the Organization of the Islamic Conference for almost 5 years. Although the Russian Federation is a secular country, we have the Fund for Support of Islamic Culture, Science and Education which was established with the help and assistance of the State. It performs an important function of protection of Islamic heritage and promotion the process of teaching and education of Muslims. About 20 million Muslims are living in Russia: 15 million are native citizens, and 5 million immigrants, mostly from the republics of Central Asia and Azerbaijan. Given the high birth rates in Muslim areas of Russia, in 10-15 years, Muslims will make up a quarter of the population and if these trends will be maintained by 2050 their number will be equal to the number of Orthodox. This logically leads to the conclusion that Russia could take on the mission of establishing a real practical partnership of civilizations which worthy of all respect.


The positions of Russia and Islamic world, and above all their joint approaches on cardinal issues of our time can and has the right to provide a decisive influence not only on the course, but also on the nature and the content of world processes. Of course, for this rethinking in practical level will be required a number of additional steps, in particular, to change some of the provisions and norms of international law, making major adjustments to planetary work of international organizations. It is, however, achievable and noble task. This is confirmed by history itself. Over the centuries the Russian state has played a historically unique unifying role. Russian civilization is a rare multi-ethnic, multi-religious integrity, it is the formation of a European-style, but enriched in the process of dialogue and interaction by contributions of national cultures of many Asian nations. Russian civilization has formed due to geography and historical relations of the Russian people with other groups of the eastern Slavs, the peoples of Ural, the Finno -ugorskoy group, Altay group (especially Turkish), Caucasian, as well as with the nations of Eurasia, Western, Central and Eastern Asia, Pacific culture.


In confessional terms, this is the interaction of Orthodoxy with the West: Catholicism, Protestantism, – in the South and with the northern Islam in the East: the Volga region, the Caucasus, Dagestan and Siberia; the northern Buddhism and Lamaism, as well as many local beliefs – shamanism and paganism of peoples of the Far North. Modern Russia is the heir of this unique civilization.
The unique unity and diversity, spiritual community and the union of various nations has been preserved in Russia due to the unifying role of the Russian people. They have played a historic role in the formation of Russian culture, which has complex nature and which was able during changing its political boundaries preserve and maintain the underlying foundations of the internal socio-cultural identity of its constituent communities. Their interaction, not excluding the conflict as a form of development, wasn’t based on trying to impose their principles to each other, but on co-operation, especially between ethnic and religious communities as the subjects of civilizations. Historical facts are well known. For centuries, Russia had common deep cultural sources, rooted in the ancient spiritual and intellectual traditions.


It is significant that in Russia, despite the strenuous efforts of certain people in the recent times, it was not possible to provoke division and hatred between the Orthodox and Muslims. It is also typical that the Chechen separatists with their “loyalty” to Islam wanted to attack Dagestan, but were rebuffed by local Muslims, who consider Russia as their homeland.


In recent months, calls to enhance dialogue among religions, especially between monotheistic has become more frequent. In particular, such an initiative was delivered by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia last year; Qatar holds such conferences for several years in a row. Russia has proposed the creation of the Inter-Religious Advisory Council in the United Nations or UNESCO.
Communication between people of different faiths is certainly positive, but only under the condition that during the discussions on the basis of voluntary understanding of the necessity of such dialogs will be placed concrete projects designed to unite the faithful in the face of common threats to humanity today, not the question of what kind of confession is the true and proper.


In practice, some difficulties and obstacles in this area will inevitably arise. The religious factor is very often used by extremists as a cover for achieving their interests: the fight for territory, profits, natural resources, for ethnic cleansing. The fact that interfaith dialogues have their own characteristics should be taken into account and accepted. But in our society, there is the increased importance of the religious factor, and here the importance of tolerance and respect for others repeatedly increases.


Most important is the need to adopt the thesis that a person of another faith is not an enemy, we can and must agree with him, and moreover, he is in fact an ally in the struggle for approval of moral ideals for the welfare of all people.


Unfortunately, as already mentioned, two global projects – Dialogue of Civilizations and the Alliance of Civilizations are moving slowly and do not bring noticeable effective changes.


Under these conditions it would be reasonable for Russia and Islamic countries to discuss together the possibility of nominating a new initiative – the unification of all the people of intellectual work including, of course, religious leaders in order to promote and uphold the principles of tolerance and good attitude towards people of other faiths. The participating of our American colleagues as founders in this project from the very beginning is very important. It seems that there are all prerequisites considering the President Barack Obama’s statement about the necessity of focusing in his policy on diplomatic means and methods to achieve a political settlement of conflict situations and to build a new constructive relationship with Islamic world. The award of the Nobel Peace Prize for the new American president gives us hope in terms of a positive action of the American side.


In this context, we are studying the possibility of deploying a new broad social movement of intellectuals and intelligentsia, including writers and artists, clergy persons to implement practical ideas and concrete projects for Partnership of Civilizations. We propose to develop by collective efforts acceptable rules of the behavior in the 21st century and put the following criteria on the basis of this movement:


1. Tolerance and non-violence, the absence of the imposition any views on others by force.


2. The recognition of the equivalence of the various humanistic philosophies.


3. The realization of every thinking man of his responsibility for the destiny of the world, of our civilization.


Today the world is facing so many acute global challenges that we are talking about the survival of mankind. We need to realize that now all people are like in the same boat and only by the combined efforts we can maintain peace, security and life itself on Earth.


There are up to 7 thousand ethnic groups currently live on our planet. Everyone for many thousands of years of development has developed his own form of self-consciousness, which obey the general psychology of ethnocentrism. But cosmos, nature, man and all the people in the society were always interdependent. The current development shows some optimism about the real dialogue between different cultures and civilizations. Globalization is an eternal natural logical process of development, and now all seven thousands of ethnic groups should be involved in it not only as a structure of a species, but as a whole of humanity, as a unity of opposites, the majority is, was and will be able to live with each other. It is essential for this awareness of global interdependence to become widespread. The planetary consciousness is not the opposite of the national; it is the highest form of development. This can be seen in the example of the European Union: how important is to get rid of admiring your own independence and engage in conscious relationship of interdependence. Just as naturally and strongly all the cells of the body are connected, all the organs, also all classes of society, all nationalities, all states and peoples are dependent on each other. This is universal knowledge; it is based on the main precepts of all religions, which call man to do well, to protect nature and all living. Homo sapiens today is first of all, a person who has planetary consciousness, not a narrow-minded person. It is necessary to develop a language of concepts, the planetary consciousness that would unite the consciousness of thousands of ethnic groups in the nation, which is called humanity. Homo sapiens it is the future nation.


Therefore, I propose to establish a small committee of 6-7 people to determine the composition of the preparatory committee of this movement (for example, representatives of Russia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Morocco and Bangladesh).