The Group of Strategic Vision "Russia - Islamic World" announces acceptance and publication of works for the Primakov International Prize 2022. The competition is open until November 1, 2022.
The Primakov International Prize was established in memory of Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov (1929-2015), a Russian statesman, and is a tribute to one of the founders of the GSV "Russia-Islamic World".
The prize is awarded for creative and/or scientific and educational work, which has made a significant contribution to strengthening mutual understanding and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the countries of the Islamic world, to the mutual enrichment of cultural and national traditions, to the development of interreligious and inter-civilization dialogue.
Art works written in Russian (for the CIS countries), English and Arabic are eligible for the Prize. The Prize places no restrictions on the age, citizenship, place of residence or place of publication of their research.
It is important that the works nominated for the Prize should be published and presented to a wide readership abroad within 2021-2022.
The following information must be submitted in order to apply for the award:
- author's full name;
- place of work or study (freelancers may also participate);
- contact information (e-mail address and phone number);
- title of the work, date and form of publication;
- electronic version of the work and its printed edition in 10 copies;
- free-form statement signed by the candidate stating that they have no objections to being nominated for the Prize and to the use of their personal data in this connection.
Download the application form here
The printed copy should be sent to the following address: 29 Kotelnicheskaya Naberezhnaya St., Moscow, 115172.
Please send materials to the following e-mail address:
If you have any questions, please contact us by email or phone +7 499 673-04-83