Head of the Religious Board of Muslims of Russia Calls for Unity of Nationalities and Religions in Russia around Victory Day

09 May

Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, Head of the Religious Board of Muslim (RBM) of Russia, in his congratulatory message to Russians and compatriots in the CIS on the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, urged for the preservation of unity among all Russian nationalities, cultures, and religions around Victory Day.


"Educating the younger generation with the examples of the valor of our fathers and grandfathers is crucial for the unity and unbreakable brotherhood of the vast family of the peoples of Russia. It is heartening to witness the efforts our country undertakes to immortalize the memory of the Great Patriotic War. The unity of all Russian nationalities, cultures, and religions around Victory Day is a precious legacy that we must cherish," his words were conveyed through the RBM of Russia's Telegram channel.


The mufti emphasized that despite the resurgence of fascist ideas in some countries, the peoples of these states continue to honor the common Victory, paying homage to the memory of the Soviet people-liberators. "In this regard, special words of gratitude are due to our soldiers who are currently fighting on the front lines of a special military operation for the future of Russia," he added.


The head of the RBM of Russia extended wishes for good health and longevity to the veterans, and to the current defenders of Russia, "the support of the Creator in their military endeavors," and to Russia - peace, unity, and prosperity.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: official website of the Rais RT

Based on materials from TASS