Mishustin Calls the Far East a Beacon for Attracting Partners from Friendly Countries

23 July

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has emphasized the importance of attracting more young people from friendly countries to universities in the Far East, particularly Khabarovsk's Far Eastern State University of Railway Transport.


“We need to collaborate with our colleagues. I will instruct the chairmen of intergovernmental commissions to invite students from the CIS, Eurasian Economic Union, SCO, and BRICS countries. If there are such opportunities, I am absolutely sure that the Far East serves as a beacon for attracting foreign partners from friendly countries. All this should be done,” said Mishustin.


Mishustin was informed that students from CIS countries are already enrolling in the Far Eastern University of Railways, and there is also significant interest from young people in China. Currently, a total of 5,600 students from around the world are enrolled in Russia's railway universities.


He also mentioned plans to instruct the intergovernmental commissions to work on increasing quotas for foreign students.



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Photo: official website of the President of the Russian Federation

Based on materials from TASS