Forum in Kazan to Discuss Creation of BRICS+ Association of Cities and Municipalities

21 June

The establishment of a new international organization, the Association of Cities and Municipalities of BRICS+ Countries, will be discussed at the International Forum of BRICS+ Cities, which will take place on June 21 in Kazan. According to the city's press service, the forum will gather around 200 municipal leaders from various countries.


"At the first founding meeting of the Association of Cities and Municipalities of BRICS+ Countries, leaders of local government associations, representing all the cities in their respective countries, are expected to attend. They will discuss the structure of the newly formed organization and future joint projects," the press service reported.


The initiative to create the association was first proposed by Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin at the inaugural Kazan International Legal Forum. According to Metshin, this association is necessary to give municipalities of friendly countries a voice on the international stage.


"This is just the beginning; we are establishing the association and agreeing on how we will work. Within this association, we will organize not only cooperation but also a constant exchange of our specialists in various fields—architecture, culture, sports, education, finance, and waste management issues," Metshin said on the "Solovyov Live" television channel.



Discussions and Sabantuy


The press service noted that in addition to the founding meeting of the association, where the organization will be officially announced, forum participants will have a packed program. This includes a discussion session, the signing of cooperation and twinning agreements between cities and local government associations, bilateral working meetings, an exhibition of children's drawings, and more.


Moreover, a cultural program has been prepared to acquaint guests with the national traditions of the people living in Kazan. Participants of the forum are invited to celebrate Sabantuy, a traditional festival.


The press service of Kazan City Hall clarified that the first participants of the International Forum of BRICS+ Cities began arriving in Kazan on the night of June 20. Among the first to be welcomed at the airport were delegations from South Africa and India.


Expected attendees include President of the Brazilian Association of Municipalities Ari Jose Vanazzi, General Director of the Association of Ethiopian Cities Ato Andualem Tena Habtie, Secretary-General of the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities, and Local Government Associations Sergio Arredondo Olvera, Secretary-General of the Asian Mayors Forum Hamidreza Ghalimzadeh, and others.



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Photo: Fendes/Creative Commons 4.0

Based on materials from TASS