Russia Suggests Discussion on UN Observers' Role in Gaza Strip

25 April 2024

Russia has recommended that the UN Security Council (UNSC) consider the possibility of increasing the involvement of the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in the Gaza Strip situation. Vasily Nebenzya, Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN, expressed this proposal on Wednesday.


"If the ceasefire is not being upheld, let us discuss specific measures on how to ensure its implementation. The Security Council has well-established methods and tools for this purpose, including the deployment of peacekeeping forces. As a starting point, we could at least revisit the idea of the UN Truce Supervision Organization's more active involvement. Its leader, Patrick Gosha, has previously briefed the Council and promised to provide additional information on the resources available to his mission. We suggest discussing this issue once more," Nebenzya stated during the UN Security Council meeting.


Nebenzya pointed out that, in the case of Gaza, the UNSC is not adhering to the established algorithm for conflict resolution. "First, the Council demands a ceasefire from the involved parties. This is followed by monitoring compliance through military - I emphasize, military (meaning professionally trained personnel) observers. If they are denied access to the contact zone or detect a ceasefire violation, enforcement measures are considered, such as deploying a peacekeeping contingent," - the Russian diplomat explained. - "However, in the Gaza situation, the entire sequence of actions has been inverted, with humanitarian workers essentially being asked to risk their lives by performing peacekeeping tasks."


UNTSO, the first-ever UN peacekeeping mission, was established to enforce ceasefire agreements in Palestine in accordance with UNSC Resolution 50, dated May 29, 1948. Military observers from the organization are currently stationed in southern Lebanon, the Golan Heights, Beirut, Damascus, and Jerusalem.



GSV "Russia - Islamic World"

Photo: fabrikasimf/Freepik

Based on materials from TASS